Scientific Journal Coverage of Dr. Bill Wattenburg’s Simple Solutions to Expensive Problems
These articles and papers describe how Dr. Bill Wattenburg (working with the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
designed simple solutions to what were formerly very expensive problems.
- “A Modular Steel Freeway Bridge: Design Concept and Earthquake Resistance”
Science, v268, pp. 261–262, 279–281, 14 April 1995;
Science, v 264, p 27, 1 April 1994.
- “Robot Mine Detector” Science, v270, p 1929, 22 December 1995.
- “Dropping food packages to refugees without using parachutes” Science,
2 April 1993, page 27. (also San Francisco Chronicle, 23 March 1993, front page).
- “Fluorescent Barriers to Infiltration,” Science, v 265, pp 1184–1185, 26 August 1994;
and Science, v 266, p 1461, 2 December 1994 (letter).
- Oil and Gas Journal, 21 February 1994, p19 (editorial)
- “The Spiral Tube Robot,” Discover Magazine, July 1997, p 56, finalist, Inventions of the Year Award.
- “Plastic Buckets for Refugee Sanitation,” Science, v 284, p409, 16 April 1999
- “The Burning of Yellowstone—Another Perspective,” Letter, Science, 6 Nov 99, p1051.
- “It’s All Gas,” Science News, v157, p355, 3 June 2000 (Scientists report that MTBE
or ethanol in reformulated gasoline is a fraud and leads to environmental damage and consumer robbery)
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