Radio Clips from Bill Wattenburg’s Radio Show
- Why Algebra? [RealAudio] [mp3]
- In this conversation with a general contractor asking why it is important for his son
to take algebra in school, when he never finds a use for it on the job, Bill provides a simple
example of how algebra can be used to determine the weight of an object when no direct
measurement is possible.
- The Story of Andy the Cowboy
- This is a 15-minute recording from Bill’s show with a
pair of calls from a Nevada rancher who had fallen for a woman that lived in
LA and happened to come across him while roaming the countryside mulling over
a failed romance. One of the best love stories I’ve heard.
- Louise the stalker
- Berkeley grad Louise, from San Jose, was enamoured with Dr. Bill for several months. This tale spans three
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