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The Amador Ledger Dispatch

Articles published about the Womack case

Riebe recall petition approved
(May 24, 2000)
Details the steps necessary for the recall to be placed on the November general election ballot.
D.A. Riebe responds to recall move
(May 17, 2000)
Includes a written statement made bye Todd Riebe. 
Recall Riebe petition filed
(May 10, 2000)
The first step in the process of recalling D.A. Todd Riebe has been completed.
Airstrip once belonging to Womack searched
(April 23, 2000)
This latest development in the Womack case is surely one of the strangest yet.
Womack attorney focuses on grand jury procedure in support of motion to dismiss
(April 9, 2000)
A request for discovery relating to the grand jury proceedings has been filed by Robert Womack's attorneys.
DA Riebe, Hall served Womack civil suit papers
(March 12, 2000)
Papers informing Todd Riebe and Ron Hall of their naming in civil suits filed by Rick Paul and the Womacks were served recently.
Criminal charges against 'gastankgate' defendant dropped
(March 12, 2000)
Criminal charges against Mark Sherrill have been dropped, and the Calif. Attorney General intends on filing civil charges instead.
'Gastankgate' back in court, Womack case postponed
(March 10, 2000)
Continuing reports on the status of the Womack case.
Irey removed from 'gastank' case
(January 7, 2000)
Special Prosecutor David Irey has been removed from the Womack case, has been replaced by a new team of prosecutors from the Calif. District Attorney's Association and the state District Attorney's office.
Womack hearing may resume Jan. 5
(January 2, 2000)
Discusses the delay in receiving a response from the state appellate court relating to David Irey's challenge of Judge Cruikshank's order mandating the return of the seized KRL papers.
County, DA sued by KRL
(December 17, 1999)
The members of the KRL Partnership (Robert Womack's three children and one of their spouses) have filed a suit charging "abuse of prosecution" against the county and DA's office.
Womack trial postponed to January
(November 19, 1999)
A report on another delay in the trial, due to inaction at the state appellate court.
Womack case put off to Nov.
(September 22, 1999)
Describes the postponement in the trial due to the DA filing an appeal of the judge's order that the seized KRL documents be returned.
Judge rules Womack search unconstitutional
(August 20, 1999)
Judge Cruikshank rules that the search warrant was "facially overbroad and exceeded the scope of probable cause underlying the search."
Womack hearing resumes Wednesday
(August 13, 1999)
Reports that an evidentiary hearing on the validity of a search warrant for a search of Robert Womack's home was valid.
Problems continue for son of gas tank defendant
(August 4, 1999)
Describes electrical damage that occurred at Roland Womack's home, allegedly as an indirect result of the environmental unit's digging on his property during a search.
Airport manager's turbulent ride
(July 28, 1999)
Provides some background on the operation and replacement of the underground fuel tanks at the county-owned airport.
Charges dropped against Mason
(July 18, 1999)
The prosecution has moved that all charges against Dave Mason III (consisting of non-specific allegations of conspiracy) be dropped.
Gas tank hearing continues on Friday
(July 14, 1999)
A short article detailing the reasons for the hearing.
Judge in Womack case says prove justification for search
(July 11, 1999)
Judge John Cruikshank wants the prosecution to prove that there was really enough evidence for the searches conducted.
Hearing to determine if enough evidence in Womack gastank case
(July 9, 1999)
Reports on the proceedings of a hearing to determine the validity of the search warrant on Robert Womack's house.
Evidentiary hearing Thursday on gas tank removal
(July 2, 1999)
Describes the purpose of a pre-trial hearing.
Judge to rule in gas tank case
(June 23, 1999)
A decision is expected on June 25th on several motions by the defense and prosecution in the Womack case.
Gas tank website has new additions
(June 23, 1999)
This article summarizes some recent additions to this site.
More motions to disqualify have been filed in gas tank case
(June 18, 1999)
Attorneys for Mark Sherrill and Dave Mason III have requested that charges against the two be dropped and that David Irey and Todd Riebe be disqualified from the case.
KRL files for IRS extension
(June 14, 1999)
Financial records needed to file the trust's 1998 income taxes are still being held by the Amador DA.
Special prosecutor accuses defendants in Bosse Ranch case of 'statutory schemes'
(June 4, 1999)
Deputy DA David Irey has charged the Womacks with "alleged violations" at the Bosse ranch.
'Gastankgate' attorneys file motions for dismissal
(May 21, 1999)
Lawyers for Robert Womack and David Mason III filed numerous motions for dismissal, citing prosecutorial misdeeds.
Wolin pleads 'no contest'
(May 21, 1999)
William Wolin Jr. and Sr. plead no contest to reduced charges and penalties for their role in hauling the gas tank in question.
More names added to John Doe list
(May 16, 1999)
The California District Attorneys Association and former DA Steve Cilenti have been added to the list of defendants in a damage suit by Rick Paul.
Airport to sell gas again June 15
(May 9, 1999)
The airport will soon begin selling gas again, from above-ground tanks, and has not been charged with its illegal operation of underground tanks for more than a month last year.
Claim filed by Womacks vs. county
(May 5, 1999)
Robert Womack's children have filed a damage claim against the county of Amador for damage done to their property during CHP officer Russell Moore's search of their residence.
Gas tank critic names state, county officials in damage claim
(April 28, 1999)
Rick Paul (friend of the Womacks) has filed a claim of harassment against the State of Calif., the CHP, the County of Amador, David Irey, Todd Riebe, Ron Hall, Nina Deane, and Jim Walshaw.
Judge restricts O.R. changes: calls Bosse Ranch separate issue
(April 11, 1999)
A report on the court proceedings.
Gas tank trio joined by 4 subpoenaed witnesses today
(April 9, 1999)
A report on the court proceedings.
Web site receives 30,000 hits
(April 7, 1999)
A report on the reach of this Web site.
Gas tank defendants enter 'not guilty' plea
(April 4, 1999)
Three of the defendants entered not guilty pleas in Judge John Cruikshank's court room.
'Gastankgate' defendants to be arraigned today
(April 2, 1999)
A report on the arraignment of Robert Womack and his co-defendants.
Test Results indicate little contamination at, near gas tank site
(March 14, 1999)
Tests performed on groundwater collected Feb. 23 found no hydrocarbon contamination at the site of the old service station.
Mason's attorney seeks sanctions against Riebe
(March 10, 1999)
Describes a motion by Dave Mason III's attorney demanding that DA Todd Riebe comply with a discovery request.
County may have dug up USTs illegally
(February 28, 1999)
Amador County DA Todd Riebe has asked State of California officials to investigate whether county employees may have unlawfully dug up and stored underground storage tanks.
Riebe admits D.A.'s office involved in Paul's arrest
(February 25, 1999)
District Attorney Todd Riebe has now admitted that his office was involved in the apparent harassment of Rick Paul, who has been instrumental in uncovering violations by Amador County officials.
Gag order lifted
(February 22, 1999)
An account of the raid on Mr. Womack's accountant's office, and the confiscation of his records, putting him out of business for 10 days at the start of tax season.
Oller, Leslie take hands off position
(February 21, 1999)
Calif. State Assemblyman Rico Oller and State Senator Tim Leslie (who represent the area the case is being tried in) have declined to get involved in the matter.
Judge pulls out of gas tank case
(February 21, 1999)
Judge Susan Harlan recused herself from the case, citing a heavy caseload.
Gas tank case making splash in cyberspace
(February 7, 1999)
This is a good summary of what has happened in this case up until now.
Trail of Illegal Trailer Recorded
(February 7, 1999)
This is a sidebar to the above article. It details the history of the property owned by Mr. Womack's son, which was dug up by Mr. Irey on the allegations by a previous resident that his 60-foot house trailer had been buried on the property, with all of his possessions in it.
State to investigate fuel tank removal
(February 3, 1999)
A report that the county may have illegally dug up two fuel tanks without the proper permits—essentially the same action that resulted in 20-plus felony charges against Robert Womack and friends.
Womack grand jury transcript shows conflicting testimony
(January 31, 1999)
According to this article, there are several discrepancies in the grand jury testimony that indicted Mr. Womack.
"Tyrannical" drama being played out
(January 20, 1999)
This is a guest Commentary written by Rick Paul relating his experience of being present when the Womack's home was searched the second time.

Earlier, Undated Articles

I wish to thank the Ledger Dispatch for granting this Web site permission to post all of the articles relating to the Womack case. All articles are reproduced as they were printed in the newspaper.

Published every Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Amador Ledger Dispatch
P.O. Box 1328
Jackson, CA 95642
(209) 223-1767
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Circulation: (800) 757-2712
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Publisher: Glenn Stifflemire
Editor: Sharon Taylor


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Revised: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 03:27 PM -0700