the Bureaucracythe Bureaucracy

Womack hearing may resume Jan. 5

This article was originally published in the the Amador Ledger Dispatch on January 2, 2000, and is reproduced here with its permission.

By Catherine Bowers
Staff Writer

JACKSON—A hearing Wednesday, Jan. 5, to set a trial date on the Robert Womack "gastank" case may or may not take place.

In the past few months, hearings and dates for other procedural steps in this case have been delayed or continued. The California State Appellate Court ruled on Sept. 30, to stay a writ by the Amador County District Attorney's office seeking to overturn orders by Judge Cruikshank pertaining to the case against Womack.

Most recently, a hearing in November to set a trial date was delayed.

Womack filed opposition to the district attorney's petition to rescind Cruikshank's orders.

When officials at the state court were contacted last week in regards to whether a date for a hearing on this matter, or any other decision had been made in this case, they said the delay in action to hearing Womack's opposition is "quite unusual."

State appellate court clerks commented on the length of time it has taken to set a hearing date, and said, "There must be something that they are really looking into here."

Since no further orders have been received by the district attorney's office from the state court, no has a date been set for hearing Womack's opposition to the matter, no further action may be taken at any level, according to the state appellate court. This inaction may again delay the proceedings set for Jan. 5.

Judge Cruikshank last August ordered Amador County District Attorney's office to disallow evidence and return all documents taken from Womack's home which was raided in January 1999. Cruikshank also stated there was flagrant disregard in the execution of the search warrant served to collect Womack's personal documents and the papers pertaining to the KRL Partnership taken in the search.

These orders were the basis of the district attorney's appeal to the state court, as well as Womack's appeal for opposition.

Womack along with Mark Sherrill, is facing charges of conspiring to illegally remove a gas tank is May 1998.

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