the Bureaucracythe Bureaucracy

More names added to John Doe list

This article was originally published in the the Amador Ledger Dispatch on May 16, 1999, and is reproduced here with its permission.

By Diane Smith
Staff Writer

JACKSON— San Joaquin County, the California District Attorneys Association (CDDA) and former Amador District Attorney Steve Cilenti have been added to the list of John Does in a suit filed by "gastankgate" critic Rick Paul.

Paul filed a damage suit in April against state and local public officials who he believes are involved in his harassment and his Feb. 16 arrest which was later dropped with an official apology.

Paul cites the fact that San Joaquin County is involved because of the acts of its employee, attorney David Irey of Stockton, who is heading the prosecution of a gas tank removal case against three Amador residents. Paul was harassed, he believes, because he protested the tank prosecution tactics. The district attorneys association has been named because Irey was representing the CDAA when he and former D.A. Cilenti initiated the gas tank prosecution.

Claims made in April included the State of California, Russell Moore and the California Highway Patrol (CHP), the County of Amador, Special Prosecutor David Irey, Amador District Attorney (D.A.) Todd Riebe, Amador D.A. investigator, Ron Hall, Tuolumne County D.A. Nina Deane and Tuolumne Special Investigator, Tim Walshaw. There was provision, at that time, for 100 (John) Does to be named as necessary in hearing the case.

Jurisdiction over the claim will rest with Amador Superior Court since general and special damages will exceed $25,000.

A Pine Grove resident, Paul is represented in his civil Rights suit by Michael Kelly of the Sacramento firm of Mastagni, Holstedt and Chiurazzi.

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