the Bureaucracythe Bureaucracy

Riebe recall petition approved

This article was originally published in the the Amador Ledger Dispatch on May 24, 2000, and is reproduced here with its permission.

By Joanna Baker
Staff Writer

Jackson—County Clerk-Registrar of Voters Sheldon Johnson notified David R. Mason on Tuesday that his petition to recall Todd D. Riebe, Amador County District Attorney, had been approved and that he can begin circulating recall petitions on May 24.

Mason will need to obtain 3,537 verified signatures of voters registered in Amador County to force a recall vote. He has 120 days in which to gather the signatures, but supporters of the recall effort say they want the petitions to be turned in by July 1 so that the recall can be on the November ballot, thus requiring no special election.

The office of Elections has up to 30 days to confirm the signatures. They must have the petitions completed and verified by Aug. 1 in order to submit the recall for ballot approval by the Board of Supervisors at its Aug. 11 meeting.

The Aug. 11 meeting is the latest possible date for supervisor approval in order to qualify for the November election.

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