Friday, April 26, 2002

CHP investigator Russell Moore (who was involved in many of the searches of Robert Womack’s property) apparently commits suicide, one day after being deposed in relation to a lawsuit in Federal court filed by Robert Womack, alleging violations of his constitutional rights. [Source: Radio station KNGT]

Friday, March 01, 2002

The March 15, 2002 trial date for KRL v. Russell Moore has been postponed for about 60 days.

Friday, February 01, 2002

Robert Womack files $10 million claim against Amador County and The State of California for constitutional violations. KRL Partnership retains Centry City, CA attorneys to take their case to trial.

Thursday, January 17, 2002

Judge Levi rules in favor of County of Amador request for summary judgement. However, Amador DA Todd Riebe, Deputy DA David Irey, and Amador DA investigator Ron Hall are denied releif for summary judgement on KRL's claim of Fourth Amendment violations for illegal search and seizure. All substantive due process claims by KRL are dismissed.

Friday, December 14, 2001

3 hours of oral argument for summary judgement before Judge David F. Levi in U.S. Eastern District Court in Sacramento.

Friday, December 07, 2001

Amador County files closing response to KRL Partnership motion in opposition to County's motion for summary judgement.

Thursday, November 01, 2001

KRL files opposition to County's motion for summary judgement.

Friday, October 26, 2001

County of Amador, Amador DA Todd Riebe, Deputy DA David Irey, and Amador DA Investigator Ron Hall file motion for summary judgement in KRL lawsuit.

Saturday, October 06, 2001

Criminal complaint against Robert Womack is dismissed in Amador County Superior Court.

Monday, August 06, 2001

The criminal charges against Robert Womack have been dropped. The Attorney General apparently intends to procede with a civil prosecution instead, where the burden of proof is much lower (the jury doesn’t have to come to a unanimus decision, for one).

Wednesday, August 01, 2001

CA Attorney General files complaint, in Sacramento Superior Court, against all members of KRL Partnership and Robert Womack. The AG continues the case until sometime in 2002.

Monday, August 16, 1999

Search Warrant Ruled Unconstitutional—Judge John P. Cruikshank rules that “the warrant authorizing the October 30, 1998 search was facially overbroad and exceeded the scope of probable cause underlying the search.” [Official court finding]

Monday, August 02, 1999

Robert Womack alleges that his home suffered severe electrical damage when an electrician making repairs inadvertently sent 220 volts through the 110 volt wiring and appliances, because a ground wire left by Russell Moore’s excavation had caused an electrical short. [Electrician’s letter]

Sunday, July 11, 1999

Judge Cruikshank is trying to determine if there was evidence enough for a search and whether the judge was mislead into approving a warrant for the search of Robert Womack’s house in October of 1998.

Friday, May 21, 1999

Robert Womack’s attorney has filed a motion to suppress the October 30, 1998 and Jan. 11, 1999 search warrant conducted at the Womack's Ridge Road home on grounds that the warrant was overbroad, illegal and violated Fourth Amendment rights.

Saturday, January 30, 1999 begins covering the Womack Case.

Monday, January 11, 1999

Russell Moore signs another search warrant affidavit, for another search of Robert Womack’s property.

Thursday, December 10, 1998

Early this month Bill Wattenburg learns that citizens in Amador county are being intimidated by prosecutor David Irey solely because these citizens had written letters to their local newspaper protesting the prosecutor’s actions. Irey actually sent Amador DA investigators to the citizens homes to notify them that they were to appear before the grand jury. The grand jury transcript shows in gory detail how this proceeds to intimidate the letter writers. His victims admit that they would be afraid to use their first amendment rights again.

Tuesday, December 01, 1998

Amador County District Attorney Steven Cilenti files 21 felony charges against Womack, Mason, and Sherrill, alleging they conspired to violate “hazardous waste” disposal laws. (Remember that oil came from the ground in the first place, and nominally gets cleaned up by naturally occurring bacteria in the soil.)

The Grand Jury ends its deliberations, and agrees on 21 felony counts.

Thursday, November 12, 1998

A Grand Jury is called to determine whether or not to charge the suspects. [Complete transcripts]

Friday, October 30, 1998

A search warrant for Robert Womack’s property is filed with the Amador County Superior Court. [Affidavit]

Thursday, October 01, 1998

Bill Wattenburg is first told about the Womack case on his radio show sometime during this month.

Friday, May 08, 1998

The demolition of the station is completed.

Thursday, April 30, 1998

Robert Womack, David Mason III and Mark Sherrill (among others) began demolishing an abandoned service station (505 Sutter Street, Jackson, California) next to Robert Womack’s son’s dentist office, after obtaining a demolition permit from the City of Amador. The Womack son intended to use the property as a parking lot for his practice.